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James (aka Will)

fjames aka will

What a beautiful group of souls you brought together last night.  Thanks for warmly opening up your sacred space to us all and for providing a safe and caring environment for our individual and communal explorations, expressions and healing.  Your intuition, nurturing, compassion and strength, qualities I truly admire in a person, where obviously present every step of the way.




Everyone who joined last night seemed to have a major breakthrough.  I can’t recall a time in my past when I have experienced a situation with that kind of result.  Sheer miraculous or, should I say, Sher miraculous would sum things up fairly well! 🙂  I will be forever grateful for my personal healing and, resulting from that, my personal acceptance.  You are a true maestro of the healing and transformative arts.

With deepest respect, in love and light,
James (aka Will)

(Note from Sher: James has spent time in the jungles of Peru working with the local shamans)